Factors Involved In Water Treatment Process for Producing Safe & Portable Water

Water supply for public usage should be potable and pure in terms of its physical, chemical and biological characteristics. For this purpose it should be collected from a source which is free from contamination. Searching a pure source of water is quite difficult, and for this reason it needs to be passed through stringent water purification processes to make it fit for human consumption.

There are a number of processes involved in purification of water. A detailed exposure of all processes should be done to start the procedure. A well equipped Water Treatment plant should be set up to initialize the procedure to generate potable drinking water.

The objective of setting up such water treatment plant is to eliminate all harmful ingredients from water and make it appropriate for human consumption. Some of the main elements that should be removed are virus, algae, bacteria, fungi, minerals like magnesium, sulphur, iron, and chemical pollutants like fertilizers etc. These are the basic guideline set up by World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the quality of water. The design for water treatment component plant is based on some guidelines which are precisely followed for getting good quality of water.

Procedures involved

There are many procedures involved in water treatment. A standard set of procedures are generally followed to get a standard quality of water. Here are some of the processes involved in water treatment:

Coagulation: This is the process of flocculation (a chemical method which brings out the suspended colloids in the form of flakes). Coagulant agent like polyelectrolyte is used to facilitate the coagulation process.

Desalination: This process removes the dissolved salt from the water.

Filtration: Toko Filter Air is a process which removes the suspended foreign particles from water.

Disinfection: This process kills the bacteria and virus present in water.

Pre-Chlorination: This process restricts the growth of algae and other organisms in water.

Aeration: Aeration process removes the dissolved minerals like manganese and iron from water.

Sedimentation: This process separates the suspended solid particles from water.


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